Breast Implants vs Breast Lift – Picking the Right Procedure for You

Posted on:  BY Categories: Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Breast Lift, Portland Plastic Surgeon

As the forces of age and gravity begin to take their toll, many women think about ways to improve the appearance of their breasts, often by enhancing them with surgery. Additionally, some women report feeling that their breast shape or size has changed as a result of breastfeeding. Of course, there are cases where women


Why Choose Dr. Bohley for Your Breast Augmentation?

Posted on:  BY Categories: Breast Augmentation, Plastic Surgeon, Portland Plastic Surgeon , , ,

When looking at your breast augmentation options, choosing the right plastic surgeon is the most important decision you can make. This is because your results can be directly affected by your choice in plastic surgeon, both positively and negatively. If you’re considering a breast augmentation procedure, then here are some things to know about why


4 Things You Didn’t Know About Breast Surgery

Posted on:  BY Categories: Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Plastic Surgery

Today, cosmetic breast surgery encompasses more than just augmentation; there is also breast lift, breast reduction, or a combination of augmentation and lift. No matter which form of breast surgery you choose to undergo, there are some things you should be aware of post-surgery. We put together a list of the top details patients should


The Procedures that Make Up a Mommy Makeover

Posted on:  BY Categories: Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Liposuction, Plastic Surgery, Portland Plastic Surgeon, Tummy Tuck

Mothers- you no longer have to be unhappy with your body following pregnancy! A mommy makeover is a procedure made up of multiple surgeries to restore your body to its pre-baby figure. A mommy makeover can consist of an array of customizable surgeries combined to meet each patient’s individual needs and goals. The most popular


How to Prepare for a Breast Augmentation

Posted on:  BY Categories: Breast Augmentation

Before undergoing any type of cosmetic surgery, it is important to think ahead of time, and prepare for a stress-free operation and recovery. Read on for some tips on how to prepare for a breast augmentation. Pre-Operative Breast Augmentation Testing Before your breast augmentation procedure, you may be advised to receive a mammogram, especially if


The History of Breast Augmentation

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Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures in the U.S., and its popularity is not slowing down anytime soon. Even at our Portland, OR practice, breast augmentation generally is at the top of our patients’ improvement lists. Breast surgery techniques change often, and improved drastically since the first breast reconstruction


Why Breast Size and Proportion are Important

Posted on:  BY Categories: Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants

Undergoing breast surgery is a huge decision, and understanding the appropriate breast size and proportions are vital to a successful breast surgery. You have to take into account the implant choices available, as well as understand the breast surgery you are choosing to undergo to achieve your desired size and proportion. Here in Portland, OR,


Common Misunderstandings about Breast Augmentation and Lift

Posted on:  BY Categories: Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift

A combined surgery of breast augmentation and breast lift, also known as augmentation mastopexy, is a popular procedure for women who desire fullness, as well as a lift. However, there are some common misunderstandings about this combined procedure. Here, we will address these misconceptions. Misconception #1- Because I am choosing to have my breast augmentation


Are Your Breast Implants Too Large?

Posted on:  BY Categories: Breast Augmentation

The majority of women who undergo breast augmentation are satisfied with their results. Though rare, there is also a minority of those who are not. Some women choose to go too big with their breast implants, resulting in an overdone or fake look. Implants that are too large may cause a range of issues, including

