Why Women Pursue Breast Augmentation Surgery

Dr. Bohley’s breast augmentation patients have various reasons for pursuing cosmetic breast surgery. Although many women simply wish to enhance the overall volume of their breasts, others desire a more dramatic degree of cleavage throughout the upper breast area. Still, other patients seek to correct breast asymmetry. Breast augmentation surgery with saline or silicone breast implants can also provide a slight lift throughout the breasts.

Natural Breast Augmentation

Dr. Bohley also offers natural breast augmentation in Portland for women who desire a subtle degree of breast enhancement (as well as contouring throughout another area of the body). With natural breast enhancement, Dr. Bohley uses liposuction techniques to remove excess fat from an area of the body that typically has ample fat cells, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, or buttocks. He then purifies the fat cells before re-injecting them into the area requiring enhancement, in this case, the breasts. Techniques are then used to ensure an even distribution of the donor fat cells.

Thanks to advancements in fat purification and transfer techniques, most of the donor fat cells should survive in the treatment area after surgery. Some women may choose to undergo the procedure again later on for optimal aesthetic results.

Types of Breast Implants

During a consultation, Dr. Bohley evaluates each patient’s physique and listens to their aesthetic goals for breast augmentation surgery. Based on each person’s unique anatomy and surgical objectives, he recommends an appropriate treatment protocol including the type of breast implants, implant placement option, and incision pattern that will best meet the patient’s comprehensive needs.

The two main types of breast implants available are saline and silicone implants. Saline implants have an outer silicone shell and are filled with a saline, or sterile saltwater, solution. The principal benefit of saline implants is that the body is able to absorb the filling material safely in case the implant leaks or ruptures. Another advantage of saline implants is that Dr. Bohley can use a slightly smaller incision than he would with silicone implants because he fills the saline implants after insertion.

However, saline implants are often not a suitable treatment option for women with thin skin and/or little natural breast tissue, as they are prone to folding and rippling within the implant pocket and may be visible underneath the skin.

Silicone implants have both a silicone outer shell and a silicone-gel filling material. They more closely resemble the look and feel of natural breasts than their saline counterparts. Silicone gel implants are also less likely to fold, wrinkle, or ripple within the implant pocket. Newer technology has allowed for the development of form-stable, or so-called “gummy bear” implants, which are named for the filling material’s consistency that does not leak out as silicone gel does.

One of the main drawbacks to silicone implants is that they require a slightly larger incision than saline implants because they arrive prefilled from the manufacturer. Also, if the implant’s outer shell suffers any damage, the silicone-gel filling material stays intact either within the implant pocket or very close to it, making it more difficult to detect an issue with the implant. For this reason, the U.S. FDA recommends that women with silicone implants undergo a breast imaging exam (i.e., a mammogram or MRI of the breasts) every three years, starting the third year after the initial augmentation surgery.

Implant Placement Options

Dr. Bohley can place the breast implants either over the chest muscle (subglandular placement) or under the chest muscle (subpectoral placement). Again, the decision regarding where to place the breast implants depends on the patient’s unique anatomy and surgical objectives. For instance, placing the implants over the chest muscle may not be an appropriate option for lean women with a lot of muscle mass and too little breast tissue to cover and support the implants properly.

Incision Patterns

A Portland breast augmentation surgeon offers three main types of incision patterns for breast implant surgery: the transaxillary, periareolar, and inframammary incision approaches.

With the transaxillary approach, Dr. Bohley inserts the implant through an incision located under the arm, in the armpit area. This incision pattern is most appropriate for placing saline implants that are filled after insertion.

With the periareolar incision pattern, Dr. Bohley makes an incision around the outer circumference of the areola (the darkly pigmented skin surrounding the nipple). Although some women prefer this incision approach because the incision scar is usually well concealed within the darker skin of the areola, it is not the most appropriate option for women who are concerned with the slight risk of experiencing a change in nipple sensation or difficulty breastfeeding after surgery.

The inframammary approach involves making a horizontal incision underneath the natural fold of the breast. This incision pattern offers minimal risk of experiencing a change in nipple or breast sensation following the procedure. However, the inframammary incision may be more visible than the other incision patterns. Nonetheless, with proper care, the scar from breast augmentation incisions often eventually fades so they closely match the color of the surrounding skin, becoming nearly imperceptible over time.


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The Breast Implant Procedure

Breast augmentation surgery with breast implants is an outpatient procedure, performed under general anesthesia. After Dr. Bohley makes the chosen incision pattern, he creates an implant pocket either under or over the chest muscle, as mentioned earlier. He inserts the breast implant through the incision, carefully positioning it in the implant pocket. Once he is satisfied with the size, shape, and symmetrical nature of the breast implants, he closes the incisions with sutures.

Dr. Bohley dresses the treatment area in soft bandages and an overlying surgical bra, which patients must keep in place for several weeks as directed, to provide additional support and minimize swelling while the area heals.

Patient Testimonials

  • Dr. Bohley is one of the most caring doctors I have ever met. Dr. Bohley and his staff are very nice. They made me feel very comfortable. If I had any questions, they were there to answer them. I highly recommend Dr. Bohley. Thanks, Dr. Bohley, and your staff for making me feel so comfortable and answering all my questions.-Facebook Review by Dena
  • The best experience I have ever had! And amazing work! The staff is so nice and makes you feel comfortable! I love my results! Highly recommend Dr. Bohley!-Facebook Review by Terryann
  • Dr. Bohley is everything mentioned above and more. He is also my plastic surgeon. Displayed only kindness and gentleness when I was in need of his masterful touch.-Facebook Review by Mary

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Recovering From Breast Augmentation

Following breast augmentation surgery in Portland, patients should expect to take one to two weeks off from work or their normal routine. Patients will be instructed to wear a surgical bra to help with recovery and reduce any swelling. During the initial phase of the recovery period, patients should get plenty of rest and avoid any strenuous activity, including heavy lifting, lifting the arms higher than shoulder height, or exercising.

Patients may experience a tightness in the implant area as their body conforms to the new implants. Often, discomfort can be controlled with prescribed pain medication. During a follow-up appointment, Dr. Bohley will let patients know when it is safe to stop wearing the surgical bra and when they can return to their usual activities, including their fitness regimens.

It is important to understand that although results from breast implants are long-lasting, implants need to be replaced if they rupture or leak. Routine follow-ups with Dr. Bohley are imperative to ensure that your breast implants are intact.

Breast Augmentation FAQs

Are breast implants under warranty?

Most breast implant manufacturers provide a warranty with their implants that can cover the cost of replacement for a certain amount of time. During your consultation, youll learn more about your specific implants and what sort of coverage you can expect under your warranty.

Can I move my arms after breast augmentation?

After your procedure, its recommended to avoid lifting or raising your arms over your head during your recovery. This can put pressure on your incisions, so make sure to follow Dr. Bohleys instructions.

Can breast implants cause pain years later?

Although there are risks that come with breast implants, the chances of developing breast implant illness are exceptionally rare (less than 1% of breast augmentations performed). Dr. Bohley can discuss your risks during your consultation.

Can you breast feed after breast augmentation

Breast implants themselves do not affect your ability to breastfeed-- rather, certain types of incisions used during breast augmentation have a higher chance of causing difficulties by damaging breast tissue. If you plan to breastfeed in the future, Dr. Bohley can discuss the right incision type for you.

Can breast implants last 30 years?

Breast implants are designed to be lifelong devices. Most cases of breast implant removal or revision are performed because of complications or changing cosmetic goals rather than implant failure.

Do breast implants cause autoimmune disease?

Some studies have found links between breast implants and autoimmune diseases, but the long-term implications of breast implant use are still under much study. Dr. Bohley can give you the best idea of what to expect during your consultation.

Can fat be transferred to breasts?

Fat transfer breast augmentation, or natural breast augmentation, is a great alternative to breast implant surgery. You may be a good candidate for this option if youre looking for more subtle augmentation and have excess fat in another area of your body.

Do breasts sag after breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation cannot stop the natural process of aging. This means that larger implants may cause sagging faster than smaller ones, but this can depend on a variety of factors.

Do you have to replace breast implants every 10 years?

Breast implants are intended to be life-long devices and only need to be replaced if youre experiencing complications. This can include ruptures or conditions like capsular contracture.

How do I know if my breast implant is leaking?

This can depend on your implant type. Saline-filled implants will simply deflate and the breast will be noticeably flatter. Silicone-filled implants, on the other hand, may need more advanced screening technology to check for leaks.

Does getting breast implants make you gain weight?

With a healthy diet and regular exercise routine, you are no more likely to gain weight after breast augmentation than you were before.

How do I prepare for breast implants?

Before breast augmentation, Dr. Bohley will give you specific instructions about how to prepare for surgery. This may include stopping or adjusting medications, as well as refraining from using tobacco products and alcohol.

Does insurance cover breast implants?

Insurance will rarely cover the cost of breast augmentation, as it is considered an elective cosmetic surgery.

How do you know if you have capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture is usually detectable by unusual firmness, soreness, or asymmetry in the breast, and Dr. Bohley will perform an examination to confirm the condition.

How dangerous is breast augmentation surgery?

Like any major surgery, breast augmentation comes with some risks, but in a vast majority of cases is completely safe.

How long are breast augmentation incisions sore?

Most patients will feel tenderness or soreness around their incisions for about two to three weeks after breast augmentation.

How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants last an average of ten or more years. Most patients will not have complications with their breast implants, but you should still have them checked by a plastic surgeon periodically and watch for signs of capsular contracture, leaks, ruptures, or other issues.

Is getting a breast augmentation worth it?

Most breast augmentation patients find that their improved self-confidence and the longevity of their results make breast augmentation worth the investment.

how much does breast augmentation cost?

The final cost of breast augmentation varies, but most patients will spend between $5,000 and $10,000.

Is there an alternative to breast implants?

For some patients, fat grafting may be an alternative to breast implants. A breast lift can also improve the appearance of the breasts, but will not add volume.

Learn More About Breast Augmentation

Many women who undergo breast augmentation greatly improve their self-esteem and feel more confident in their figure. Dr. Bohley takes great pride in helping patients improve not only their appearance but also their quality of life. To schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Bohley to learn more about this procedure, please contact his office at (503) 213-9914 or visit the contact page online.