Picking a Plastic Surgeon? Do Your Homework

Posted on:  BY Categories: Plastic Surgery

If you’re reading this blog post, it’s likely that you have already decided to have a plastic surgery procedure — perhaps a mommy makeover, liposuction or breast augmentation — and now you’re ready to pick a plastic surgeon. But how do you find one with the right mixture of skills, experience and reputation for creating


Dr. Bohley Now Offers VECTRA 3D Imaging at his Portland Plastic Surgery Practice

Posted on:  BY Categories: Plastic Surgery

Have you ever wondered what you might look like with a specific plastic surgery procedure? Perhaps a facelift, breast augmentation, or tummy tuck? Dr. Bohley is excited to announce a new opportunity for patients at his Portland practice for just that! For patients who wish to undergo cosmetic or reconstructive surgery and see what the


3 Useful Tips About How to Prepare for Surgery Day

Posted on:  BY Categories: Plastic Surgery

Congratulations on your decision to undergo your chosen plastic surgery procedure! Having cosmetic surgery to address a bothersome aesthetic concern can be a positive, life-changing experience. Nonetheless, having any type of surgical procedure is a serious undertaking that requires proper preparation. To help ensure you experience an optimal surgical outcome, Dr. Michael F. Bohley shares


What Is the Difference Between a Plastic Surgeon and a Cosmetic Surgeon?

Posted on:  BY Categories: Plastic Surgeon, Plastic Surgery

Figuring out the difference between a plastic surgeon and a cosmetic surgeon can be difficult, especially because many people use these terms interchangeably. The most important thing to be aware of is that not all surgeons referring to themselves as “cosmetic surgeons” are board certified in plastic surgery. Keep reading to find out how a


What Does Board Certification Mean?

Posted on:  BY Categories: Plastic Surgery, Portland Plastic Surgeon

Choosing a plastic surgeon with board certification is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that you get the best possible results from your cosmetic surgery procedure. What exactly does board certification mean? Read the following information provided by Portland plastic surgery provider Dr. Michael Bohley to find out. Look for


Financing Plastic Surgery

Posted on:  BY Categories: Plastic Surgery

Have you dreamed of undergoing plastic surgery to correct a physical flaw that frustrates you? Do you wish your nose was more proportionate to the rest of your facial features? Do you long for a fuller breast profile that fills out swimsuits and dresses? Do you want to achieve a flatter, firmer abdominal profile, and

