4 Tips for a Successful Tummy Tuck Recovery

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An abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, is a safe and effective procedure to eliminate stubborn excess skin and fat resistant to diet and exercise. However, it is common for plastic surgery patients to forget the long recovery period that requires plenty of rest. Here are a four things you can do to ensure the best


Choosing the Best Implants for You

Posted on:  BY IN Breast Implants

Currently, breast augmentation is ranked as the number one most commonly performed plastic surgical procedure in the United States with over 300,000 performed just last year! One of the most critical questions a patient has for their doctor is what type, shape, and size of implant they should receive. It is essential to answer several


3 Tips for Your Ideal Tummy Tuck

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Even for men and women that regularly diet and exercise, having a tight, toned, and sculpted abdomen isn’t always easy to obtain. This concern is especially common in dramatic weight loss journeys and women attempting to restore their pre-pregnancy body. Abdominoplasty, or more commonly known as a tummy tuck, can help them achieve a youthful,


5 Types of Facelifts

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Deciding on which facelift will best fit your needs can sometimes be overwhelming. After all, each of us has our own unique features that should be addressed in different ways. Here are 5 treatment options for a facelift at Dr. Bohley’s office in Portland, Oregon. Traditional Facelift Patients seeking optimal correction of moderate to significant


Are You a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

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Your appearance does more than define who you are on the outside. When your outside appearance doesn’t reflect the way you feel on the inside, it can affect your confidence. A facelift procedure at our office in Portland, Oregon can be very beneficial for those seeking a younger or smoother appearance. There are many different


Myths of Blepharoplasty

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Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a surgery that improves the upper eyelid contour and soothes hallows, bags and puffiness. Before you choose to have eyelid surgery at our office in Portland, Oregon, you should be aware of a few myths and facts regarding the procedure. Myth: Visible scarring. Incisions can be made on the crease


5 Steps to Ensure Long Lasting Facelift Results

Posted on:  BY IN Skin Care

So you’ve had a facelift at Dr. Bohley’s office in Portland, Oregon and love your results! What’s next? To make sure your results last, there are certain steps you should take. Below are five tips to help you keep your results looking new for years to come. Moisturize. It is important to take good care


5 Reasons to Get Blepharoplasty

Posted on:  BY IN Eyelid Surgery

Our eyes are often one of the first indicators of our age. They can also reveal our energy level with dark circles and unwanted bags. You wouldn’t want your eyes giving a false impression of who you are or how you feel, would you? The number of reasons for patients to consider eyelid surgery in

