Plastic surgery can range from cosmetic procedures to enhance your appearance, or reconstructive surgeries to improve function. The plastic surgery procedure you choose to have will depend on your specific goals and areas of concern. Read on to learn more about what issues plastic surgery can improve.

Excess Skin

Excess skin can sag and be a great annoyance to some individuals. Excess skin is often the result of pregnancy, a dramatic weight loss, or due to the skin losing laxity with age. Procedures involving a lift can remove this excess skin and tissue while tightening the underlying muscle for a smoother, well-toned contour and youthful appearance. Some procedures that can help with excess skin offered in the Portland area are a breast lift, tummy tuck, facelift, brow lift, or body lift.

Stubborn Fat

If you have fatty areas that you can’t seem to get rid of with diet and exercise, a plastic surgery procedure might be your best option for removing stubborn fat cells. Liposuction is one of the most popular procedures in the Portland area and can effectively remove fatty deposits from almost any area of the body! Other nonsurgical treatments such as CoolSculpting can also improve areas of stubborn fat by freezing and eliminating fat cells for good.


Any plastic surgery procedure is sure to have a positive effect on your self-confidence! Plastic surgery can restore a more youthful body, pre-pregnancy body, or enhance an area of your body that you’ve always struggled with. Many women experience unhappiness with their breast size and look to a breast augmentation or breast reduction for permanent, life changing results. If you are unhappy with the size, shape, or angle of your nose you might consider a rhinoplasty. Individuals will not only notice the improvements in their physical appearance after plastic surgery, but a boost in their self-confidence and comfortability in their body as well.

If you are in the Portland area, you can experience improvements from a number of plastic surgery procedures available. Dr. Bohley can assist you with deciding which procedures you can benefit from. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation!