Plastic surgery is a big thing to consider that comes with a lot of important decisions along the way. To get the most out of your procedure, you can follow a few steps in preparation for your big day!

Understand Your Concerns and Goals

Before scheduling your plastic surgery procedure in Portland, it is important to have a clear understanding of your concerns and goals. Plastic surgery can give you permanent, life-changing results, but first, you must determine what you want those results to be. This will help you and your surgeon determine what procedures you are a candidate for. Plastic surgery should also be done for the right reasons. Although plastic surgery can slim your figure, it is not an alternative to weight loss.

Choose a Plastic Surgeon

Once you have a strong understanding of your concerns and goals, you’re ready to discuss them with a plastic surgeon! Choosing your plastic surgeon might be the most important part of your preparation. Choosing a surgeon who is not certified and does not have the proper education or experience can put your results and health at risk. Take the time to research your surgeon and don’t be afraid to ask about their credentials. Those looking for a plastic surgeon in the Portland, OR area can meet with double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bohley. Dr. Bohley is a highly regarded plastic surgeon providing exceptional results to those in Portland.

Form Healthy Habits

After choosing a surgeon in Portland that you feel comfortable and confident with, you can set the date for your procedure day! While your waiting for the day to come, there is more preparation to be done. This is a great time to start forming healthy habits that will make you a successful patient during and after plastic surgery in Portland. This includes regular exercise, a healthy diet, and drinking adequate amounts of water. Not only will you be in good health for your surgery day, you will also have the right habits to maintain your results. A surgical procedure will also require you to stop smoking to ensure that your body can heal properly.

To learn more about how you can prepare for plastic surgery, or to schedule your consultation with Dr. Bohley in Portland, OR, contact our office today!