Experience the Halo Difference

Posted on:  BY Categories: Sciton Laser

If your skin has suffered from common damages, such as sun, environmental, or aging, you may be unhappy with a dull, tired complexion. In Portland, Oregon, Dr. Bohley offers a new technique to reverse these damaging effects with Halo by Sciton®. What is Halo? The Halo laser system is the first and only fractional hybrid


Top 5 Benefits of Forever Young BBL™

Posted on:  BY Categories: Sciton Laser, Skin Care

The Sciton® Forever Young BBL™ is a revolutionary laser system that targets skin imperfections at a molecular level. No matter your age, Forever Young BBL™ is used to improve signs of aging and skin damage for a younger, smoother, and radiant complexion. Some skin professionals even say that Forever Young BBL™ puts a halt to

