It’s almost time to send the kids back to school, which means you will finally have a free moment to yourself. You take care of your family all year long, and now is the perfect time to take care of yourself. This back-to-school season, why not reward yourself for all your hard work with mommy makeover surgery? Mommy makeover is an effective way to help you restore your pre-baby body, so you feel more confident and more content overall.

Why Undergo Mommy Makeover Now

Mommy makeover surgery can be a positive, life-changing event. However, it is also a serious surgical procedure from which you will need about two weeks to recover. That is why back-to-school season is the perfect time to have mommy makeover surgery. With the children at school, there is less need to run after the kids and keep them entertained all day long — as is often the case during summer break — so you can have the peace and quiet necessary to rest and recuperate properly.

Recovery Considerations

Mommy makeover surgery is not a single procedure, but multiple procedures intended to improve the aesthetic concerns that many mothers have after pregnancy and breastfeeding. That is why mommy makeover surgery generally includes tummy tuck surgery to restore a svelte contour throughout the midsection and breast surgery to improve the look of the breasts.

Given that multiple procedures are included in mommy makeover surgery, you will need ample time to recover. You will also need to avoid all strenuous activities during the recovery period. This includes picking up your children, raising your arms higher than shoulder height and doing any sort of exercise, for several weeks. And, again, you need to rest as much as possible, especially in the first week following your procedure.

Due to these limitations, you might need to make certain arrangements regarding childcare. You might need help getting the kids washed up and ready for school. You might need help packing their lunches and even driving them to school and to their afterschool activities. Don’t be afraid to call on your spouse, a neighbor, friend or family member for assistance with the kids during your recovery period.

The Perfect Time to Take Care of Yourself

Once the children are back in school, you will have more time for yourself. Take advantage of it! This is a great time to undergo mommy makeover surgery, so you can recover amidst the peace and quiet. Not to mention, having mommy makeover surgery now means that you will look fabulous in time for the holidays!

To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Bohley to learn more about mommy makeover, contact his office by calling (503) 253-3458.